Jury Trial Consulting

From pre-trial to trial, Tell The Winning Story’s jury trial consultant services take you “soup to nuts” to discovering the story with your client (and casting them in the right role), deposition preparation, story development, case strategy, wordsmithing, sequencing and presenting your Opening Statement, Voir Dire, and preparing and rehearsing your Closing Argument.


Virtual & In-Person

In our consulting work, the primary focus areas are being able to shift your Client/Witness from the Role of The Victim to the Role of The Victor.

This is the foundation for Jesse’s book Witness Preparation: How To Tell The Winning Story (Trial Guides) and the KEY to our approach with every trial team, not just in witness preparation but in helping frame and present your entire case to judge and jury. (The origins of the Victim to Victor approach came from Jesse Wilson working with inmates and addicts in prisons across Colorado- a powerful and game-changing experience.)

Most clients painfully cast themselves in the wrong role- the role they believe the jurors need to see them as. Our message to the client is simple, transformational, and it’s within the first five minutes of meeting with your client.

You are not your pain.

You are the strength of trying
(key word) to overcome your pain.

This is who you are.

This is what we need to show the jury.

We are here to show the story of strength.

In our experience, once the witness deeply and emotionally understands what it will take to help them win their case (although it is never their case to win when they are on the stand; that is the lawyer’s job) we find that the rest of the objectives needed to cover in our prep sessions with the client become infinitely easier.

Amazing what happens when you know your role!

Once the Witness is warmed up to their role as The Victor, not The Victim, more specifically, witness preparation entails:

Direct/Cross Wordsmithing and Rehearsal

Flipping the script on the Killshots/Danger points of defense

Nonverbal communication

Listening (Less is more…unless more is more with joy)

Don’t guess/ don’t volunteer

Sticking with the 3 C’s (Cool, Calm, Collected)

Staying in your lane – not your case to win

Ready to level up your trial preparation?

Story Development & Presentation

Virtual & In-Person

Don’t tell the story you want to tell, tell the story you have to tell!

Tell The Winning Story’s case strategy session is a collaborative process that focuses efforts on the development of the case narrative, themes, and language that will effectively reach the heart of the jury.

We will help you:

Develop the Opening/Closing story so the right story powerfully resonates with the jury

Rehearse the Opening/Closing story

Work with you on all verbal and non-verbal communication to create a compelling and congruent message the jury can trust

Integrate, Rehearse, and Choreograph Powerpoint Presentation, Exhibits and Demonstratives with your Opening Statement and/or Closing Argument

Direct/Cross Examination Sequencing, Word-Smithing and 4 Step of The Stage Preparation (Happy to walk you through what our radically simplified 4 Step Process looks like)

Voir Dire sequencing and rehearsal with jurors (focus groups)

Identify central case strengths and weaknesses (kill shots of defense), focusing on how to successfully embrace and integrate them into the case narrative

Before giving us a call to discuss the development and presentation of your case and the preparation with your client/s, please take a moment to reflect upon these questions:

Tell The Winning Story Client Checklist

Does your client fall more into the Victim vs Victor category? (99% of most witnesses are stuck in the Victim Trap!)

On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate the client’s ability to tell a credible / winning story?

What do you feel is their “beneath the surface” story (the one that may not ever necessarily need be communicated verbally to the jury)?

What do you feel is your client’s greatest strength?

What do you feel is your client’s greatest weakness?

How confident are you in your client’s direct/cross examination?

We have worked on wrongful death cases, medical malpractice cases, auto accidents, Traumatic Brain Injury cases, and criminal defense cases. In addition to helping the client (plaintiff or defendant) be seen in “their best light” with our consulting firm, in all the above mentioned cases, we have prepared both expert and lay witnesses for depositions and hearings to connect to the human story they/you need to be telling.

All of our consulting work is done under the direct supervision and confidential collaboration of the attorneys working on the case.

Seminars & Workshops

Whether in-person or virtual, Tell The Winning Story workshops are designed to help trial lawyers revolutionize their courtroom communication skills and win more cases.

Victim To Victor

These workshops will challenge you to find a more powerful way of communicating and presenting your client’s story. Most Plaintiffs painfully cast themselves in the role they believe the jury needs to see them as – “the victims.” This is the wrong role. Learn to re-frame your case around the power of the Victor Story, cast your client in the right role… and win your case.

Tell It Like A Movie

In this groundbreaking workshop, you will learn and apply the fundamental directing and storytelling techniques from the stage and screen to help you discover and effectively deliver the Winning Story to judges, mediators, and jurors and inspire them to action.

the Villain’s
Victor Story

Villains never see themselves as villains. This workshop will introduce you to a counterintuitive and game-changing approach that will help you deliver the most powerful Cross Examination of your adverse witness.

Wisdom Of The
Pastrami Sandwich

Every trial lawyer knows, the best story wins. Stories are the ultimate tools of persuasion. But does the expert witness, know they have a story to tell? To be persuasive, the expert testimony must be framed into a compelling narrative, so that jurors don’t just listen…they care…

Using the lessons from the stage, combined with public speaking communication science, you and your trial team will be empowered with invaluable skills and record winning verdict, results-driven trial strategies to motivate, move, and inspire your jurors to take action in your clients favor… and to win your case.

What People Are Saying

“Jesse is able to connect on a deeper level with clients and help find their individual story to tell- and how to tell it. Jesse’s unique talents and theater background have transformed garden variety cases on paper into fascinated accounts that have yielded multimillion dollar verdicts. Jesse has helped our trial team reach a $12 million and $45 million verdict. Working with Jesse will force you to take off your legal hat and focus on the real reason we are here: to tell the human story.”

Brian Kim

Trial Attorney, Savin Bursk Law

“To be a trial lawyer is to be a storyteller. Why would we try a case without the help of an expert storyteller on our team? I won’t any longer. Working with Jesse to help find, perfect and ultimately tell the right story was invaluable in securing our $90 million dollar win. I can’t speak highly enough about what Jesse brings to the table for a trial team and our clients.”

Eric Penn

Trial Attorney, The Penn Law Firm

“The jury may not always love my client, but when the victor’s story rather than the victim’s story is told, the jury will love what my client does – after all she’s been through just to feed herself after losing over 90% of her small intestines – to still rise everyday, greet her garden, nourish her roses, feed her horses, and sing to the flora and fauna surrounding her. Thank you, Jesse.”

Adam Malone

Trial Attorney, Malone Law

“I credit Jesse in helping me settle a personal injury case for $16,600,000. The day I worked with Jesse, my view of my client radically changed. I started viewing her as a victor who was committed to reclaiming what was left of her life….In my mind, I saw her as a hero, not a victim. And I told her that she was strong enough to endure a trial and live with the result, no matter what it might be. I will work with Jesse any time, anywhere.”

Mike Maxwell

Trial Attorney, Michael Maxwell Graham Injury Attorneys

“All of the women on my criminal case involving their systematic rape and abuse as inmates credit their work with Jesse Wilson. Not only did Jesse help find their story but helped them access the courage to tell it. Jesse’s work was transformative for these women. They needed the safe place to tell their story and the tools that Jesse used gave them that safe place to be heard and seen.”

Michelle Burrows

Trial Attorney

Youtube Series

Enhance your trial advocacy skills with Trial Guide’s insightful monthly series, “Mastering Witness Preparation with Jesse Wilson.” Dive into the art of crafting a compelling courtroom narrative as Jesse draws from his acclaimed book, Witness Preparation: How to Tell the Winning Story.

CLE On Demand

Accessible anytime, anywhere to fit your busy schedule. These expertly crafted on-demand video courses from Trial Guides allow you to learn at your own pace and elevate your trial skills from your own home or office.


Cast your client, yourself and adverse witnesses in the right role. Discover, develop and deliver winning testimony in deposition and at trial. Maximize your results at trial by telling the WINNING STORY

Books & Materials




PERFECT THE RIGHT EMOTIONAL STORY – the story beneath the surface


Have an upcoming trial? Let’s talk about it!