
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” Romans 10:17

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he gets old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6

We minister to the whole child: spirit, soul and body by teaching the Word of God, helping them understand how they can act on God’s word every day. We make sure they know and feel that they are loved by God and the ministry workers, and while in our care we make sure they are safe, clean and nourished. We get these precious little ones from birth and start planting seed (God’s Word) into their hearts. Each week that seed is nurtured, given TLC, and watered. As they grow both physically and spiritually they move into the Newbies Kidz class where they continue to learn

Newbies Babies (0-2 years)

Our nursery is available each service for infants 0-2yrs old. We know that you are never too young to learn of the goodness of God, so our nursery is lead by a teacher who has been taught and is skilled in working with children and also to translate the Word of God in a fun and creative way that is an exciting experience. This is a critical time in their lives and we want to be a part of meeting their spiritual needs by teaching them the love of God.

Newbies Kidz (3-5 years)

Our “Kidz” class is available each service for toddlers and kids 3-5yrs old. We have exciting and creative lessons, exercises and games that will stimulate their minds while they learn about different Bible stories, scriptures and most importantly about the love of God for them. Each class is lead by a teacher who has been taught and is skilled in working with children and also to translate the Word of God in a fun and creative way that is an exciting experience.

In this class, we are training them to be good stewards and soldiers in the army of God , with the knowledge that God’s word DOES NOT return void. Each class begins with prayer, and recently we have incorporated the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America. We do our best to ensure that God’s Word comes alive for them with every lesson through Praise & Worship, prayer, fun games, reading God’s Word and letting them use their imaginations through arts & crafts. We don’t just read a story from the Bible and put in a DVD; we teach the Word. They learn that God loves a cheerful giver, not just with money but by sharing with each other, giving someone our time, etc. We have CHURCH! We CELEBRATE GOD!

Victoria Mayhew

Newbies Babies Leader

Victoria is a former educator and graduate of UCF. She has been a member of New Way church since 2013 and had served as the leader of the Newbies Babies Class since 2017. She is committed to helping carry out the vision God has for New Way.

Super Ninja Gummy Bears

In Super Ninja Gummy Bears (our 1st-5th graders), we believe that there is no age limit to knowing God, walking in His fullness, and living a supernatural life. That’s why in our class, the teachers stand firm on Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” We believe from an early age it is important to impact their lives with biblical truths, so children can start building a life on a firm foundation like Matthew 7: 24-27 teaches, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

Teaching them to find their gifts and talents, and how to use them in their lives. We teach them the unfailing love of Jesus Christ, help them to memorizing scriptures (2 Timothy 3:15) so that they can stand on The Word of God. We help to instill a powerful prayer life, how to navigate their bibles, and so much MORE! All while having fun and being rewarded. Our ministry goal is to make sure each child knows they were created with and for a purpose, that they leave feeling loved, accepted, and knowing Jesus. Super Ninja Gummy Bears is available during both our services Wednesday and Sunday, come drop your children off so they can learn God’s word on their level, in a safe and loving environment.

We are dedicated to reaching the children of the Flagler county region and this world. This generation is looking for guidance, and it must start with our younger generation.

Jet & Justine Guisbert

Super Ninja Gummy Bear Leaders

Justine and Jet Guisbert have been attending New Way since 2015, where they found their calling, and have had the privilege to serve The Lord in Children’s Ministry. Justine and Jet teach the 1st-5th graders. Where they have a desire to teach children true biblical truths, helping children to grow in a relationship with Christ, that will last their whole life. They help to instill prayer, scripture memorizing, and bible reading with the children, and to help children feel confident in their journey with Christ. It is their goal that every child that comes to the ministry feeling loved, accepted, knowing Jesus.

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